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Giants and Lions and Pits - Oh MY!

Writer: Pastor ToddPastor Todd

In II Samuel 23:20-23, we find the story of Benaiah. His name means – “Yahweh has built up!” His whole life was characterized by God’s hand being on him making him who he was. The text tells us he did 3 things:

1. Fought and killed two of the best warriors from Moab (most likely giants).

2. He fought and killed a huge Egyptian even though the Egyptian had a spear and Benaiah only had a club.

3. He went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion.

Wait, What? Why would he do that? The Bible does not tell us, but think with me about this.

First, it is snowing in Israel! Really? I thought Israel was in the desert! Yes, it does snow in Israel.

Secondly, it’s a pit which means to get down into it you would either have to climb or slide down. Is there ever a good reason to climb down into a pit when it's snowing???

And Third – there’s a lion down there!

Most people would look at this situation and say simply – no way! But not Benaiah! He saw this as an opportunity to really show what he was made of! The odds were not in his favor. The Word of God simply says he went down into that pit and killed the lion. We don’t know how long it took or if he was injured in the process. But here is the fact – he faced the lion and defeated it even when the odds were stacked against him.

So, what? There are snowy days ahead for each of us where we are going to be faced with giants and lions in pits. We must see these as opportunities God gives us to show what we are made of. They are chances for us to stand up and face the giants, the lions and the pits of our lives. Many times it will seem that the deck is stacked against us. But you and I must understand something – the Bible tells us in Romans 8 that we who are Christ followers are more than conquerors! That means we have within us the ability to win the battle. But conquerors do not get to enjoy the victory without being in the fight!

The story of Benaiah shows us that we can and must stand up and be men (and women) of courage! Our world is desperate for the people of God to come to its rescue. It is going to take courage and faith to take our stand. We are going to need one another to lean on and to watch each others backs. The enemy is crafty and strong. The battle is on. Will you be a man or woman of God that stands to fight?

Remember what Benaiah’s name means? God has built up! Are we living our lives where that name could be applied to us? Is God in the process of building you up to be a strong warrior for Christ – a person who makes a difference in your school and work? In your families and neighborhoods? Join in the Battle - Come one, Come All - Christians Warriors! It's a Call to Arms!



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