With a promising new year ahead of us, I can think of no better way to step into tomorrow than to remember the wisdom of God's Word. As a Christian, I love God's Word. I believe that He has a will for my life and that most of that will is found in His Word. To value the Word is to value Christlikeness; Godliness. So let's walk through this passage in the book of Genesis together that we can live out our best today and tomorrow!
"When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, and a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground—then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed."
-Genesis 2: 5-8
We find so many great truths from God's creation of Adam. Firstly, we see that man has humble beginnings. He was dust; completely lifeless. Dust is easily blown here by every wind and swept there by raging waters. It is hardened by the harshness of the sun and made stubbornly unmovable in the darkness of the cold. This was the way that God found me. I was lifeless. I remember wandering through my life looking for my place in the world. I suffered hard times like everyone around me. My hurts calloused my heart because of failures and tough circumstances. I literally feel that I was blown here and there, dabbling in anything I could to find relief. My story is common. Every living person is special because they are made in the image of God, but all people lack something without Jesus. As a Christian, we have no choice but to be humbled when we remember back to where God found us. We must remember that we were at one time without hope, in the same boat as the worst criminal or the best philanthropist. We must embrace humility as we look at the lost around us, because we were as they are, without true life.
We must remember that we were at one time without hope, in the same boat as the worst criminal or the best philanthropist. We must embrace humility as we look at the lost around us, because we were as they are, without true life.
True life is comes from the Lord. In the passage, we see that He gives life freely. The dust did not ask Him to do this. The dust could not beg or barter. The dust could not earn such privilege. From the very first man, it remains as it is now, an act of grace. The Lord took something plain and made it extraordinary. Today is no different. He works in the hearts of the lost convicting them of sin and revealing the truth of His Son, Jesus Christ. He Himself, brings people to a saving knowledge of Jesus. As a Christian, we must choose humility as we remember that it was by the good grace of God that He brought us into His family.
True life is comes from the Lord. In the passage, we see that He gives life freely. The dust did not ask Him to do this. The dust could not beg or barter. The dust could not earn such privilege.
Finally, we see that God repurposed us. As a man, Adam had a different directive than that of dust. Adam being from the lifeless ground was tasked to work the soil. As a Christian, we must remember that we should allow the Lord to direct our purposes. Working the ground is a beautiful picture of evangelism, our part in God's plan. We are responsible to "work the ground" by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We work the soil, but God gives the growth. He convicts people of their sin and guides their heart to Jesus. So let's resolve to work the ground with the utmost humility this year.
Working the ground is a beautiful picture of evangelism, our part in God's plan.
Father, I ask that this year, that You would keep my heart humble. Direct my thoughts today that my words and actions may be full of humility. I want to be busy with Your purposes this year. Help me to see others around me with Your eyes. I want to notice the hurts and needs of both friends and enemies that I may be faithful to You to share the Gospel. As I share the good news, make me remember that I was at one time no different than them. Remind me often of my humble beginnings and of Your lavish grace in my life. Help me to pray to You often for the hearts of those around me. Thank you for making me a son and a brother in Your family. Amen.