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New Candy Shell With The Same Nasty Taste.

Writer: Harbor ChurchHarbor Church


4 Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. 5 They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. 6 They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. 7 They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk;

and they do not make a sound in their throat. 8 Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.

-Psalm 115:4-8 (ESV)


It is amazing to me how quickly things can change. In the age that we live in today, new technology and convieniences are created every day. Yesterdays new advances quickly become obsolete. Personally, I remember the days before cellphones were widely used. They had been used in the hands of the wealthy of course before I was born, but for average Joe, we didn't have a cellphone in our hands until the late 90's / early 2000's. Life changed so much with that little innovation. In fact, how many small innovations with cellphones have happened since 2000? It started with talking, with the next step being texting, then music, then internet, then video. A phone from the year 2005 seems ancient compared to todays super smart phones. But look how much it has truly changed. Walk into any given restaurant, sporting event, or gathering place. What do you see? Cell phone consumption. What's missing? Well, fully committed human interaction for starters. And this is just one example of advancement. All other conveniences and technology has its own story to tell. But each one has this in common. Whether intentionally or not, they have gathered an unhealthy following in the lives of most people. I'm not hating on technology. There is some great things that have come from advancements. It's not only technology at fault here. Classic things like family, work, money, money, and our children have taken the wrong portion of our hearts. Does _____ define my life? What I am saying is that there are great things that have been forgotten. Particularly an active relationship with Jesus.

Look again to the scripture at the top. The technology of the day was silver and gold carvings or sculptures. This is what most of us tend to think about when we think of the word "idol". We need to broaden our perception. Most of the people I know feel naked or incomplete without their cell phone. Some extreme cases that I have heard about are children in schools that have anxiety attacks when they couldn't feel their phone in their pocket. We all have to take a healthy look at ourselves and ask this question. Is there an Idol in my life? Everything that I have mentioned previously is a potential idol in our lives. Money is not the most important thing in your life. Your phone is not the most important thing in your life. Your children are not the most important thing in your life. _______ is not the most important thing in your life. When we allow the most current trend to take an unhealthy place in our life, what is really happening is that we are allowing something to be first in our lives. Anybody who has seen the 1956 classic "The Ten Commandments" knows that Charlton Heston heard God say "Thou shalt not have any gods before me." This is clearly sin. And sin needs to be repented of. Look again to scripture. Verses 5-8 tell us the effects of idols in our lives just like the tail end of a cheesy pharmacutical commercial just without the happy music. Idol worshippers become like their idols. They are completely consumed with their idols. They miss out on other things. They miss out on meaningful relationships. They don't notice or experience the best things in life. They become stagnant and plateau in their lives. Idol worship is serious y'all. Please please please take the time to reflect on your life. If there is idol worship, ask God to forgive you and put that idol where it belongs in your life. I'm asking you to crack the shiny candy shell of those idols and see what it is truly doing to your heart. Idols need to go back to their rightful place as being A PART of our lives and not MOST IMPORTANT in our lives to stop being an idol. Having money is good and so is a cellphone and I love my wife and my daughter, but none of these are most important to me. Our relationship with the Lord needs to be reclaimed from idols. Let's be like Jesus, not like our idols.


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